ConStar Studies Myers Briggs TV Types

I am still notoriously bad at this, BUT if my anyone happens to be interested, my friend started a tumblr where she Myers Briggs Personality Types TV characters. So far 30 Rock, New Girl and Parks and Recreation characters have been typed according to the MBTI and more shows are on the way. It’s just for fun and as I’ve been obsessed with Myers Briggs recently and it relates to TV, I thought I’d share (so I feel less guilty for never posting). Anyway, check it out:
Looking at character Myers Briggs types can be helpful when creating a character or working with an established character. You learn more about what makes them tick and you can learn the ways you can put different types against each other and what the common problems are. Two types may have chronic miscommunication because they just think differently. Or they may have a similar chemistry because they see the world the same way. It’s a cool way to learn more about (both fictional and real life) characters and why they operate the way they do. Then you can really understand why those two characters are in love or get along or why in spite of their differences, they are together. It could be a great way to discover conflicts between the characters, something I find myself struggling with (because my type, INFJ, hates conflict with the heat of 1000 suns).