Fall TV 2014: How Packed is Your Primetime Schedule?
What are you watching this fall? What should I be watching? Can you squeeze in all this year’s fall TV into your everyday life? Share your potential fall schedules!
Constance Gibbs is a multidimensional creator of words, images, and social strategy.
What are you watching this fall? What should I be watching? Can you squeeze in all this year’s fall TV into your everyday life? Share your potential fall schedules!
I’m pretty sure this is my least favorite episode of the season. I couldn’t pin point why, but some other TV writers expounded on some of the problems where I couldn’t. I think my initial problem was that it was the least funny of the episodes so far. Not to say I didn’t smile or […]
Not a lot to say about Mindy, so I combined them, but I enjoyed both episodes tonight. Mindy picked up steam for me this week. I’ll explain why I think so below. New Girl: I was not ready for Evil Schmidt. I’m glad we dealt with that in one succinct episode; I was worried it […]
WHAT IS UP WITH SCHMIDT?!?! *spoilers ahead* He’s been going crazy this season and it’s only getting worse. I love the show but I need to know where they are taking Schmidt’s character. It seems like they’re trying to weasel in an obstacle for Nick and Jess and the only way I’ll take this easily […]
New Girl – Wow, this show is just so perfect. Almost too many jokes to mention. This show makes me laugh every commercial break, which is so important for a show. Genius move. Also cut on a hilarious joke and this show did that every act out for me. I love the Nick/Jess moments. I […]
Today I finished Orange is the New Black, after starting the season yesterday midday during a sick day at home. Interesting show, great supporting characters, I’ve grown to dislike Piper more and more as the show progressed. Daya, Taystee, Poussey, and Black Cindy are some of my favorites characters. The pre-prison flashbacks were such a small […]
I am still notoriously bad at this, BUT if my anyone happens to be interested, my friend started a tumblr where she Myers Briggs Personality Types TV characters. So far 30 Rock, New Girl and Parks and Recreation characters have been typed according to the MBTI and more shows are on the way. It’s just […]
Something Like That (aka The One with All My New Girl Feelings). Nerdy Girl Notes usually says all I need to say about the shows we have in common. Here are her thoughts on New Girl, which had probably it’s best episode last night, which mirror my thoughts. I’m still working on how I want […]