On this week’s Just About Write TV MVPs, I wrote about Mehcad Brooks, our newest James Olsen. (Of course there is a Hamilton quote thrown in there. Have you met my Twitter account?)
That wasn’t the only time I wrote about Mr Olsen either. Check out my reaction when we first learned Jimmy would be black!
Team Flash (this photo will be important later, I can feel it)
First up, I did this week’s The Flash recap, where Barry and Team Flash encounter the Pied Piper and some of the cracks in Dr. Wells’ secrets chamber begin to splinter.
Jimmy and Kara might getting a little swirly…
Then I wrote about the exciting news that Jimmy Olsen is now black! This gives the upcoming Supergirl series some serious blerd cred. I’m so glad they “thought outside the box” as the actor, Mehcad Brooks, stated on Twitter.
They need to fix the way the mask sits on her face, it’s bothering me.
Finally, I did this week’s Arrow recap as well, where the remains of Team Flash act more like teenagers whose parents went out of town and had a big party where everything gets broken rather than adults who know when to quit. Thankfully, Mama Felicity saves the day. But she can’t save Laurel from the creepiest Weekend at Bernie’s stunt she’s pulled on Captain Lance since Sara died. Sara MUST be coming back since they’ve refused to tell him this long.
Thanks for playing!