Maps, Dinner Parties, and Valets Herald Game of Thrones 2015 Return
Here are some Game of Thrones posts that cracked me up this week ahead of the Sunday premiere. I’ll be recapping the first episode for The Nerds of Color this Sunday, so keep an eye out for that. And be gentle with me, I haven’t read the books yet!
℘ Here are a couple of Westeros Transit Maps…! So cool when people figure out stuff like this!

℘ Key and Peele show us how much The Valets love Game of Thrones when they reenact all the major deaths in the last four seasons. They love Khaleesis thooo!! Khaleesis wit them dragons! They kill me. “The Dinkles is my jam, my jelly, my peanut butter and my peanuts.” Check it out here:
℘ Seth Meyers invited Jon Snow to a dinner party… turns out Jon is a bit of a depressing dinner guest…